Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a restful reflection

ThAnk You for this tiMe, this Rest, this quiEt. PerFectly beAutifuL CreATor let you comPrehensiVe gRace falL oVer me—CovEr me, dRench me. MAy my enTire eXistence be bAthed—let me eMerge drippinG with your GrAce. CorrEct what is wronGed—MeNd what is frAgmented. Fill eVery hollOw left by HAte, SiN, AnGEr and DepreSsioN—FilL it wiTh yoUr un-exchangable Mercy and RedemPtivE loVe.

ImPart me wiTh yOur ComPasSioN –PasSiOn, a fAster ReAction, tO ThosE wHo neEd to gRasp a GlimpS of HopE – LiVing HoPe …fRom a LiVing God. StEp aWay frOm YoUr tRadiTion of disReGarding tRadiTion. He is ReaL, yoU are Real—LiVing, bReaThing, loVinG sTronGer toDay than YesterDAy. FoRgiVing moRE thAn my forGiveN paSt. oH if I couLd but tOuCh a PoRtion of wHat is You. ThanK yoU for wHo yOU arE—WhaT You hAVe dOne—whAT you wilL dO.

FoLd me iNside of you. coVer, guaRd, proTect and coMfort. I liVe my liFe as a bliNd lOst sOuL, wHo knoWs not my right haNd from my leFT. So LoSt, so unAble, selF-deClaRed hlePless. bUt God! But God! I PRaise yOu beCuase you ARe inConcieVable! Unimaginable, unFathomalbe, unStoppable—My BAstion of hoPe, my poRtion of liFE –my dAily bRead, my eVery breath—My reAson—my pUrpose—my deFinition. JESUS CHRIST

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